We Help With...
We build diversified investment portfolios that match your needs and timeline. Our portfolios include tax-loss harvesting opportunities and are actively rebalanced as the market moves. Ask us...
- How much should I be saving and where should I save?
- What assets should I use and when?
- How do I plan for market changes?
Our Team is Award-Winning
We are pleased to announce that Partner and Private Wealth Advisor John Trapani of Trapani Meyer Wealth Management & Insurance Services has been named among the Best-in-State Wealth Advisors by Forbes.

Forbes "Best-in-State Wealth Advisors" list (April 2024), Research and ranking provided by SHOOK Research, LLC. Based upon data as of 6/30/2023. Northwestern Mutual (NM) and its advisors do not pay for placement on 3rd party rating or ranking lists. NM and its advisors do, however, pay marketing fees to these organizations to promote the rating or ranking(s). Rankings and recognitions are no guarantee of future investment success.